The Benefits of Fennel

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Fresh Fennel is now available at the Yelm Food Coop
by Ute Jarlik
Why are we now offering fresh Fennel in our produce section?
For one, it is ‘on special’ and second for all the benefits that it offers for our bodies.
Botanically Fennel is in the same family as Carrots and Dill. Fennel has a crunchy texture and mildly sweet, licoricelike flavor, making it a pleasant addition to any dish, whether eaten raw or cooked. We can eat all parts of the Fennel plant or use the seeds as a condiment. Here are some ideas: Use the stalks as a soup base or stock, sauteing the leaves and stalks with onions for a quick and easy side, mixing sliced fennel with a variety of your favorite fresh vegetables for a light, crisp salad and/or serving roasted fennel bulbs as an entree.
Now, what ingredients does Fennel offer us? Fennel is a plant based source for Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus and Calcium, and is also high in essential fatty acids and Magnesium.
The rich vitamin and mineral content in this plant contributes to building and maintaining bone structure and its strength. In addition, there is evidence that potassium, calcium and magnesium decrease blood pressure naturally and all of these minerals are present in Fennel. Selenium is another mineral found in Fennel and is absent in many other fruits and vegetables. It supports the liver enzyme function and helps detoxify some cancer-causing compounds in the body.
It is important to remember that a single food cannot prevent disease and improve overall health, and a varied, nutritious diet can help. Eating a wide range of fresh foods is the key to good health.
Come and get your Fennel !!!
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