Fresh Produce

by | Feb 18, 2024 | Fresh Produce, Fruit, Organic, Vegetables | 0 comments

Lots of fresh produce choices at the co-op.

Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang has been found in research to: boost mood, reduce depression, alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, stimulate oil production in the skin and on the scalp, repel flying insects and kill bug larvae. Ylang ylang also has a history of...

Large Baguettes

Large Baguettes

Check out our new bread basket specifically for our large baguettes from local Olympia Bread Peddler and Seattle based Essential Baking.

Foods Alive

Foods Alive

Foods Alive Organic Salad Dressings made in small batches and using our own superior cold-pressed organic flax and hemp oils. Zesty Italian, Garlic Paprika, Sesame Ginger Greek and Honey-less Mustard. Globe trekker Trail Mix, Moringa Leaf Powder and Sprouted Crisps in...

Supporting Our Local Producers