Ground Elk

by | Nov 22, 2020 | Meat and Seafood, Other Meat | 0 comments

Ground Elk from Durham Ranch. To become a Durham Ranch Natural and Sustainable Meat, the ranchers must adhere to a strict set of guidelines, ensuring that the animals are raised in the most natural, holistic way possible. We send our brand manager into the field regularly to visit each farm and ensure they are keeping their word. Happy animals on one side of the fence lead to happy customers on the other. We believe in bringing you only the best, and nothing short of that will do.



While you may not have been able to make it to our Annual General Meeting, we have ballots at the co-op for you to vote to elect Elizabeth Axe onto the board, and we will have samples. Thanks to Masonry Cafe for the beautiful display. Sartori Cherrywood Cheddar and...

Applegate Uncured Soppressata

Applegate Uncured Soppressata

New this week. Applegate Uncured Soppressata joins our ever growing selection of chilled deli meats. ‘First, we delicately season with pepper and garlic. Then, we dry-cure for nearly two months. How you enjoy it is up to you.’ Try it with some French Le Chatalain Brie...

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