Our New Microwave Oven

by | Jan 16, 2022 | News, Ready To Eat, Snacks | 0 comments

Here are some of our Yelm Food Co-op yummy snacks from San Francisco Street Bakery and The Bread Peddlar that can be heated up in our new Microwave Oven. We bought it for our members who often ask for a way to heat up the food they purchase. We will have more wraps and falafel and burgers from the freezer that can be heated up in the microwave from frozen.

Flash Sale Signs and Price Reductions

Flash Sale Signs and Price Reductions

Check out all the new price tags and cute little Flash Sale signs that are all over the store. We are preparing for our stock taking on Sunday 31st and want to have as little stock as we can to make it easier to count!

Japanese Matcha for brain function

Japanese Matcha for brain function

A new study has found that drinking matcha, a type of green tea, may improve perception of emotions and sleep quality in older adults with a decline of cognitive functions. The study, conducted by researchers from Japan and published in the journal Alzheimer’s &...

Italian Biscotti

Italian Biscotti

These Italian biscotti are very different, each one is made with liqueur/and wine. The Ratafià chocolate biscotti is made with Cherry Digestivo and Red Wine which makes it ever so slightly bitter and a perfect accompaniment to red wine. The Limoncello biscotti...

British Mince Pies

British Mince Pies

Check out the crazy good Flash Sale prices for these British delights. The best way to eat Mince Pies is to heat them up a little, 15 seconds in the microwave will do. Then add some cream, ice cream or custard.  



We ran out of large Stollen and customers were sad, so we brought in some more.

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