Silver*Water Stabilized Greens, Vegan Iron, Oral Rinse & Oil of Vetiver

by | Jul 23, 2022 | Health & Beauty, Supplements | 0 comments

From our Yelm Food Co-op Apothecary, Silver*Water Organic Stabilized Greens, VegLife Vegan Iron, Spry Spearmint Oral Rinse with Xylitol and Aura Cacia Organic Pure Essential Vetiver Oil for Grounding.


Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang has been found in research to: boost mood, reduce depression, alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, stimulate oil production in the skin and on the scalp, repel flying insects and kill bug larvae. Ylang ylang also has a history of...

HB Pressure Tonic and ParaFree

HB Pressure Tonic and ParaFree

We started off with their Chlorophyll Oxygen products and like the brand so much we just keep adding more of their interesting and useful products. We’ve even put them in their own display. Our newest additions are HB Pressure Tonic which supports optimal pressure...

Quercetin with Vitamin C

Quercetin with Vitamin C

Quercetin with Vitamin C Extra Strength features even more immune-supporting quercetin compared to our original formula.* Extra Strong Dual-Action Immune Support* Quercetin and vitamin C are two of the most important immune-supporting nutrients in the world. With this...

Got Parasites?

Got Parasites?

What's Eating You? ....... Parasites? Native People knew how to get rid of them - with herbal remedies. Oxygen Wellness has products that may help in eliminating all growth stages of over 100 types of human parasites. Combining these products may help find relief from...

Kidney Tonic

Kidney Tonic

We’ve had a lot of requests for a Kidney Tonic. This liquid in a fast-acting softgel from Herbs Etc. They have recently teamed with Trace Minerals, another great brand.



We wanted to find more than one choice of B-Complex for you. These two brands are excellent, Jarrow Formulas and MegaFoods from farm to tablet ingredients.

True Blue Herbs

True Blue Herbs

We’ve been hoping to bring these products from True Blue Herbs for some time. Here we have Deep Tissue, Jethro Kloss Liniment, Digestive Formula and Colon Cleanse.

Jarrow B-Right

Jarrow B-Right

The buyers at the Yelm Food Co-op are determined to find the cleanest health products for you. This Jarrow brand B Complex fits that mission. Jarrow Formulas B-Right is an optimized B-Complex featuring the forms of vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B5...

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