Terry Naturally Pomegranate Seed Oil

by | Oct 21, 2023 | Health & Beauty, Supplements | 0 comments

Terry Naturally Pomegranate Seed Oil. Strong heart and healthy arteries
Blood vessel flexibility, blood sugar balance, and reduction in oxidative damage.Breast cells, aromatase levels, and estrogen activity
Prostate cells, PSA levels, and testosterone balance
*The Power of Pomegranate
This unique combination of pomegranate seed oil and fruit extract provides powerful support for heart and blood vessel health, plus healthy hormone balance for breast and prostate tissue.
*Pomegranate Seed Oil features a more complete source of pomegranate nutrients, without the sugar and calories found in juice. It’s the extra pomegranate power you need every day.
*Pomegranate is the only plant that delivers omega-5 (punicic acid) from Supercritical Seed Oil—along with potent phytosterols, and oleic and linoleic acids. This seed oil extract supports healthy hormone balance and a strong heart.
*Pomegranate Fruit Extract contains polyphenol antioxidants to protect against oxidative damage to DNA and support healthy cellular replication throughout the body.
*Omega-5 Protection
Punicic acid is a unique and a rare omega fatty acid (omega-5) that has been shown to support heart and blood vessel health, plus the delicate balance of hormones that affect breast and prostate cells. This formula delivers cell protecting power.



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